With the excessive use of ingredients which leave remains of carbon and grease it has become really hard to clean the vessels. This results in the increase of the labor in the food industry. The cost of the labor is the usually upsets the financial structure of a restaurants and food joints.
As a result of this problem, an effective solution has been derived to expel the issue of labor expenditure and unclean utensils. They have invented Soak System which has become a sigh of relief for the people. The Soak Systems comprises of a 35-gallon mobile soak tank which is designed to integrate seamlessly into the kitchen environment and a unique blend of surfactants in a non-corrosive cleaning concentrate that removes grease and carbon buildups.
We can use this soak system by filling the tank with 30 gallons of water and then adding 2.5 gallons of metal safe DSC cleaner concentrate. After using, the dirty utensils are placed onto the steel rack and lowered into the cleaning solution. This solution can be used for 30 days.
Benefits of using the Soak Systems:
• There is no risk for the people who are using it
• Convenient option for people who cannot afford the cost of labor.
• Easy to use
Benefits of using the Soak Systems:
• There is no risk for the people who are using it
• Convenient option for people who cannot afford the cost of labor.
• Easy to use